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Old 10-09-2019, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by NZquilter View Post
Oh, and I should add, I fully expect it to take me several years to finish all those quilts! I get these bursts of "quilt energy" when I cam do a ton every day for a few weeks, and then I can't seem to find time for any sewing for a few weeks.
NI can only imagine how challenging it must be to find time to quilt with three little ones...I’m happy to hear you get little bursts here and there.

I also set goals in January and make list of projects (new and in progress) but I added another personal goal for 2019 which was to spend more time I took a hiking course and found some beautiful trails her in Maine. I am all caught up on UFOs and just have one quilt top waiting to be quilted, and two that need binding. I am currently working on a Doug Leko pattern and have a hand appliqué project for travel.

I find that setting goals keep me on track and motivated. I would like to add a couple of charity projects to my 2020 list of goals as I am always so inspired by those of you who are so thoughtful and generous.
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