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Old 10-12-2019, 08:35 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2016
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Default Math problem with square in a square

My cousin and I are helping another cousin finish a baby quilt for her now 10 year old granddaughter. We are sashing the blocks created 10 years ago with black. I got over zealous with my seam ripper and tore the first sashing (not sure that sashing is the right word for the dotted part). So, I am replacing it. How do you measure the square and figure out what size to cut it? The charms are not exactly square, but are about 5 X 4 7/8". I'm going to need to square it up to match the others, so will need a little slop. I'm not sure if they used squares and trimmed them, or used triangles. How do I measure the size of the square to use? (I hope this makes sense.)

I went to quilters cache and found a formula to do this. They say measure your center square (5"), then divide by 1.414 (which equals 3.536). Then round up to the nearest 1/8th. (3.536 rounded up to the next 1/8th would be 3 and 5/8.) Then add 7/8. (3 5/8 + 7/8 would be 3 and 12/8, which would be 4 1/2) I cut that and the diagonal is 6 1/4. That can't be right.

What am I doing wrong?

Would it be a problem to go with that size and reduce it down to the correct size when you square it up?

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