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Old 10-18-2019, 03:56 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,408

I like #2 as its closer to the purples you show on your corners. I'm a note taker using scraps of paper I cut down just for that purpose. I figure if there's a blank side of my copy paper useable I cut into 4 sections and keep them off to the side of my cutting table as well as at my PC. I write down all the amounts of fabrics I need, the cuts for each fabric, how much I need for borders, sashings and binding. Once I've cut the fabrics for these areas, I put a check mark alongside it so I know I've done it.............I also make my bindings and roll them up on a TP cardboard writing the name for which quilt it goes to. I have a container just to hold all my bindings so they don't get away from me.

You also might think of using the background fabric for your binding too.
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