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Old 10-21-2019, 04:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Iowa
Posts: 377

Like some others, my machines (daily driver and sitdown lomgarm) “float” in the middle of the room with another table for cutting and sewing added to make a little “island”.

What i have done about cords... i have attached two surge suppressor/power strips to the table legs of the “daily driver” which allows me to plug my sitdown longarm and the other machine on separate wall outlets. Since there are essentially only two cords to worry about on the floor i tuck each one of those underneath the chairmats (my floor is carpeted and even though the cords are heavy duty there isnt undue pressure on the cords). Master Electrician son gave everything a thumbs up. i initially thought about getting the item suggested by Quiltinnan, but sonny boy didnt think it was needed in my situation because i basically have just the 10” ends of two cords to deal with where they plug into the wall. I was good with that if he was. I dont have any floor outlets.

I do have my separate ironing station and larger cutting tables placed against the wall on opposite sides of the room - again taking advantage of separate wall outlets for each.

Stitchnripper - i so hear you about unannounced visitors! LOL! While i wasnt overly worried about the situation - its still nice to know when someone enters my Happy Place! DH doesnt trespass much since we had the room painted lilac - my mighty-hunter-in-camouflage husband tells me that just seeing the color makes him itch - whatever! Just the same its nice to know if i have “company”... i laugh about this because my family is from a major, very populated city and when we went to a restaurant my Dad always had to be the one sitting with his back to the wall within sight distance of the door so he could assess the situation! He laughed about it but still that was his habit and nobody challenged it and nothing ever happened so i guess it worked. I live totally rural these days but its funny how some habits stick with you - yep, i gotta see the door! LOL!

Anyway, some of you have already seen this but if you havent here is my setup.

Attached Thumbnails dcb8fee5-468a-4f62-9a6c-5a4526fa6333.jpeg  
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