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Old 10-24-2019, 10:32 AM
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Default Goals..and not having them...

I've been having goals in mind lately and I've had to finish a bunch of things for gifts etc, then I've been feverishly drawing and making blocks, discarding designs, buying fabric and realizing it just isn't what I wanted..... All because the deadline is coming up for entries for the Quilt Canada show.

And, I've got absolutely nuthin'.

It occurred to me while I was sewing together a paper pieced block today...and not enjoying it... I don't want to do this. I want to make something quick and simple and scrappy and relatively mindless right now.

And, I feel a lot better now that I've got no deadline looming. Even though no one was expecting anything from me but me, I had to give myself permission to let that go.

I'm going to make a string quilt, I think. We'll see. Who knows? I've been in such a funk in my quilting life for quite awhile now and I think that was why. I was putting pressure on myself. Quilting was becoming one more duty. But, this is my hobby and I'm not going to let it turn into something I "have" to do or another stress in my life.

I'm off to sew scraps together now and that makes me happy.

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