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Old 10-25-2019, 06:48 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Default Moonrise

Moonrise totally understand the fear of the lay off for hubby. Still coming to grips with hubby’s job ending in May and he has been there 36 years, his entire work career after college. Like you we planned ahead but it is still quite a shock. Hope you do well at the craft fairs

Originally Posted by moonrise
I haven't had a chance to leave feedback yet, but I will as soon as I can. I've been sewing like a maniac to get ready for this weekend's craft fair. And next weekend's. And the next weekend's. And and and ... Whew. I don't normally do anywhere near this many craft fairs, but DH's work hours were cut awhile back, and yesterday they had a big lay-off due to lack of work, so we don't know how much longer he'll have a job. He's been there 15 years. One of the guys they laid off had been there for over 20 years. We're afraid it's just a matter of time until DH gets laid off, too, or the company goes out of business. We're hoping for the best, but trying to prepare for the worst.

No worries about the feedback, Libster. Actually, I sent a message to the admins a few days ago, asking about it, and they removed the accidental negative, so it's been fixed.
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