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Old 10-29-2019, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 67

May I tell you my experience with deciding when to purchase and how much was too much?

When I found that I was spending more on LA service (or renting) per month than if I purchased my own LA machine and financed for 5 years....then I knew it was time.

So I did my research, found the machine/frame and accessories I wanted. I made a spreadsheet of the cost breakdown for each item on my list (machine, frame, ruler base, rear handles, stylus, various pressure feet, etc...) from several dealers online.

Once I was armed with that info, I went to a quilt expo and met with a dealer there. I let her give me her sales pitch, even though I knew this was the machine I wanted, then presented her with my list and asked her if she could do better. She didn't bat an eye, took my list from me, went to her computer, did her magic and then presented me with her proposal. After all the freebies she thru in (all were on my list) and discounts, her total cost was 20% less than the lowest price I found on line.

So my answer to you on your original question ... heck no, $1,000 off $20,000 is only a 5% discount, and a joke!
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