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Old 11-17-2019, 03:23 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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I was surprised recently when I had to pick up a new bottle of liquid smoke to find more than one flavor/brand, it was up top (sometimes it is down at the bottom) in the spice area of my regular chain grocery store. I've been using it since the 70s when I was growing up in Alaska, the "preferred" coating for salmon steaks was crushed Ritz crackers, you'd dip the salmon in a milk/egg wash with a little liquid smoke in it, a sprinkle of Johnnies Season Salt, and the crushed Ritz crackers. Halibut didn't use the smoke or the crackers, but cubed and rolled crushed Corn Flakes.

For a holiday dip, one "tall" can salmon (or two tuna size), drained deboned and skinned (8-12 oz??), one 8 oz cream cheese, small amount of finely minced onion, 1-2 tsp liquid smoke. Mix all together well and let sit at least a couple hours/overnight. To be fancy, finely chop approximately equal parts fresh parsley and walnuts and make a log with chilled dip and roll in the mixture. You can also add some of both to the log, especially the parsley to tie it all together. Since we are low carb, we get the mini sweet peppers (hubby does a few jalepenos for himself), cut them in half and fill with some of the dip, and then dip into the nut/parsley mixture. These have been a big hit at company potlucks and other gatherings since the hubby went Keto.

I used to do a big pot of pinto beans in the crock pot, more of a baked bean style than a chili style but I'd usually start with half a bottle or so of BBQ sauce in the bean liquid started the day before. The day of serving in the morning I'd just cube up some pork (we usually had loins available) and throw it in, everything was done lovely in the evening. You could also throw some of that smoke in there too, but a little goes a long way. Really open it away from your food and measure, you don't want a spill.
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