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Old 12-03-2019, 07:33 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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Posts: 855
Default Got the La Passacaglia papers

I'd been sort of obsessed with the La Passacaglia quilt, talked myself out of buying the paper pieces last year (you don't even like tiny pieces, Teresa!) and then ended up pulling the trigger this year. And now I'm in the "what was I thinking?" stage.

Strangely, now the quilt is leaving me a little cold. The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess. I don't know why.

I'm trying to think of something to do with the pieces that isn't a copy of the LaPass. Since the papers create pentagon-based Mandalas, it seems there would be plenty to do with them. I figure the design has potential, in a similar way that you can depict an infinite number of different pictorial patterns in a storm at sea quilt, just by changing color placement.

I went to Pinterest, of course, and searched for pentagon-based quilt. And I pretty much got La Passacaglias. To make a long story short, several different searches all brought me not much more than La Passacaglia.

So has anybody here done anything totally crazy with their LaPass papers to make a totally different arrangement? If so, would you share? Inspiration might get me going in the direction I need.

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