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Old 12-08-2019, 01:53 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 353
Default St. Nicholas Day gift

In Poland we have a nice custom for the St. Nicholas Day (or Santa Claus Day), which is 6th December. This is the day to present small, no-fuss gifts - the big ones are for Christmas. They are supposed to be surprise - traditionally those gifts are put in your shoes while you sleep like all good children should

This year it was last Friday. I was stuck at home with a cold when I realized that I had nothing for my fiancee. No way to run for quick shopping :/ So I quickly made a lunch mat with the last bits of the hedgehog fabric I used for his quilt some time ago (remember this Hedgehog Quilt?).

He found it like this when he got home from work (so Santa was a bit late in this case):

And this is the lunch mat, front and back:

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