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Old 12-25-2019, 09:36 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: North Texas
Posts: 19
Default Babylock Brilliant??

I have been looking for a new machine lately and a store recommended a Babylock Brilliant. Anyone have one or know about this? I have a Janome 6500 and the features on the Brilliant are a little more user friendly for me. I like the free arm, better lighting, and the self threading feature. Online there are a few articles about a threading problem, I do not know what they are talking about. The dealer has a trade in that looks brand new with items still packaged, but it is only $200 less than a new one. He also offers lessons and a 2 year warranty. I do not need many decorative stitches, but giving up the space is a minus for the machine.

Merry Christmas!!
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