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Old 12-31-2019, 02:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 27

I'm almost relieved to have this 'excuse' to stop buying fabric! I'm still a newbie and have been doing more research than sewing. I have built a decent UFO stack, though. What with sales, coupons, freebie tables and gifts I have more fabric than I could ever use. Some I like, some I don't, and some is still to be determined. I want to lay out the UFOs and make a list - some may go by the wayside as I've learned enough to know they are not salvageable - one in particular is made with junk fabric; it's cute fabric but not worth the time & effort as it would likely fall apart. I look forward to finishing something, anything. I do need to purchase some solids - I have been avoiding them as I have been enamored by prints & blenders. Now I see I do need some; especially for sashing, HST's and background. Tried to beat the clock today and get some ordered but felt too pressured and confused by the different fabrics, prices & websites. So, I have claimed a rain check for some solids. If you have any helpful thoughts, please see the thread in the Main Forum: Solids - What & Where to buy? See you in the new year!

MADE IT BY THE SKIN OF THE CLOCK! I know, mixed metaphors, but hey, it's how my mind works. I got quick and helpful answers to my question about what and where to buy solids so, just past midnight, I pushed the Place order button at and can now begin the new year with a clear path toward not buying fabric for my stash! I hope your New Year will be a bright as I'm expecting mine to be. :-)

Last edited by Calmclam; 12-31-2019 at 09:43 PM. Reason: To add results of my solids quest
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