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Old 01-04-2020, 04:54 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
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QuiltnNan- Yay- the picture showed up. looks like you’ve got plenty of scraps to keep you busy! Thanks for working so hard to get the pic situation sorted.

for this month, I'm focussing on baby steps rather than setting huge organizing goals. One or two things a day seems like a doable commitment and helps prevent getting overwhelmed!

So, yesterday I spent some time updating my studio notebook- I listed all my UFOs (that I know of) and then made up my January to do page. While doing that I realized that a couple of WIPs that had been languishing on the guest bed had in fact languished for nearly a year without any progress being made. They are now listed as UFOs and today I am going to pack them up and put them in the box with my other UFOs. That will clear off the guest bed and help declutter my mind since I will not be distracted by seeing them every time I walk into my studio.

My other goal for today is to clean up the craftermath left from finishing DGD’s 21st birthday quilt. this should be easy! It involves cleaning and putting away 1 die and tossing scraps into my scrap basket.

That’s my baby steps for today- but they will make a big difference in my space.

are you working on baby steps or big stuff?


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