Old 01-04-2020, 01:09 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,097

i'm sorry, but a lot of what's been posted here today is simply not correct.
i am not going to address each and every one.
i deleted a lot of it.
nearly all of it has been answered before and before and before.

it took me a day or two to realize it myself, but the new format is actually better than the old.
one huge problem is that we had no warning. some people refuse to just get over the shock and give it a chance.
if i could turn back time so they could do it politely i would, but i can't. neither can they.
and they know they screwed up. they are trying to do better in that regard and keep me (us) better informed going forward.
it's time to get over it. they are listening and will fix or change - what they can - more to our preferences.

the biggest problem is that the colors are so horrid a lot of you can't see it well enough to figure that out.
that will be fixed. i hope the color scheme will be pretty close - if not exactly the same - to the old when the board comes back online on Monday. if it is still too hard to read you should already know i will keep complaining until we have something that works.

it is no less user friendly than the old format.
it is not organized any differently to the old format.
there are several new menu options that make getting around faster.
take the time to explore.
don't wait to be spoonfed.

nobody could blame you if it's too hard to read in the current color scheme.
if that's the case, then come back on Monday evening or Tuesday.
then put on your big-girl panties and give it a fair chance.
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