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Old 01-08-2020, 11:32 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,063

Some things we need just as much as thread or other things. I didn't replace my regular buys of black and white kona yardage during the off-moratorium time and I probably will need to do so soon. I used up the white dying extra fabrics and the black in various projects throughout the year. Again, if you are going to use it and it doesn't add to stash, while not as desirable as using stash it is ok.

This year, however, I will not be so kind towards those who get super Penny or Walmart deals. Mostly from jealousy but there you go!

Crack! Snap! Everyone back up on the wagon and keep strong. Or at least be weak and make me feel better about my own falls to come.
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