Thread: One touch rule
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Old 01-10-2020, 07:59 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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One touch is good and is how I worked in my office jobs. I have some hoarding tendencies and it is constant work and effort for me, but I have less stuff and more space all the time. Right now I want the space more than the stuff.

When dealing with fabric and collections and potential projects and such it is harder, I usually start with three piles: love, do something with, and trash. Keep what you love first, and then get rid of what you don't, Trash isn't used so much now. I put the designated to be purged things in one box and then put the assorted keep fabric in their proper stash boxes. I feel a bit too much pressure with kits as unfinished objects, but I do have a box that is collections of fabrics that work well together, if I feel the need for a new project I look in there first to see if anything inspires me. Makes just one box for me to touch instead of 20!

Take small steps, and get them done. At least that's how I work best. The goal to "get the sewing room organized" sounds good, but is too big a task and too broad. I find I can only work at organizational tasks/getting rid of stuff for about half an hour to an hour, a situation comedy on tv is based on 30 minutes (22 minutes plus commercials). Most CDs are about an hour. I designate a time period, and then check in with myself about halfway through the time to see if it is time to be wrapping it up or do I wish to continue a bit longer.
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