Old 01-11-2020, 08:05 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Carroll, Iowa
Posts: 3,478

I use apple cider vinegar on all my garden produce whether it be berries or veggies. I don't measure how much vinegar to water but just pour some in, let them set in it till I remember they're in my sink, then rinse and do whatever it is I'm doing with them. As I produce more berries than I can eat at one time I normally lay them on a cookie sheet and put them into the freezer till frozen, then toss them into a freezer bag. This way they don't get stuck to each other and I can pull out however many I need/want. For my veggies, I use them mostly in my soups in the winter time so I go ahead and chop them up into the size I need, do the same by putting them on a cookie sheet and then freezer till frozen and then into a freezer bag. I have a small chest freezer just for my berries and an upright for my veggies. Every year I give away all my berries in the spring so I can make room for the new berries the next season. Soaking in vinegar does not leave an after taste either.
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