Old 01-14-2020, 06:56 PM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 76

Thank you Iris, I'm sure I'll be using all those tips and I have got a bunch of kebab sticks doing nothing, for now... If I lived in your neck of the woods I'd love to come and help at the historical museum, it sounds wonderful. Sadly I'm down here in little New Zealand close to the ends of the Earth so it's a bit far to come.
I am getting wiggle in the hand-wheel, in fact I'm now getting complete rotation and the needle goes up down and the feed dogs go to-and-fro while the bobbin goes round and round. I'm chuffed as I'm pretty sure now she's at this stage she's virtually certain to sew again. It's just a matter now of making her sew well and cleaning/protecting everything to minimise further deterioration.
Funny thing - I thought my two days getting a screw out was a long time. Then I read another thread on here where someone hadn't been able to get something to budge for 2 years! So it makes my stubborn screw look like a sweet-natured softie by comparison.
I love your album. I'm going to see if I can figure out how to add pictures of the stitching my other one now does, and a pic of me in my historical garb at a historic home nearby where I volunteer so you can have a wee look.
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