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Old 01-14-2020, 07:16 PM
Flyboy Jim
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Oregon
Posts: 65

Originally Posted by kandmb115
A person I made a king sized quilt for 2 years ago wanted another. The first I only charged $250, since I had fabrics I had on hand, sale priced.

Wanting another king sized quilt, he wanted a dragon quilt. I usually find fabrics on sale and am able to provide a quilt for around that price. Quoted about $300 with 1/2 deposit. He sent me $150. Unfortunately, the fabric chosen was $11.75 per yard. Longarm quilter charges 1 cent per sq in, so that is at least $100. After recalculation, expenses alone are $342.89.

I contacted him again and stated, due to the cost of fabrics, the price would be higher.

He agreed to pay $350 only, nothing for my expenses or time. I told him I couldn't do it for that price, with two pillowcases included, shipping to him, etc.

He declined and wanted a full refund.

Since fabric has been ordered and will require sending back to company. I can't afford to take a loss.

How would you handle this?

Refund all except expenses, itemized to show expenses?
I'm not quite understanding why you would of quoted a price before you knew what your expenses would be.

Based on what I read, I think I'd send him his $150 back since you aren't willing to make the quilt for the price you quoted. Your loss can be chalked up to a learning experience. Expensive lesson.


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