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Old 02-02-2020, 10:17 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default A Little Bit About Koji

I had no idea that Koji was such a huge hit with the celeb chefs. My dau is a food show junky and she just informed me about the new, Koji craze...who knew?

For those of you who don't know, koji is a fungus that is grown on rice, barley and other substrates. It is then used to make all sorts of things like miso, shoyu, tamari, aminos, sake, mirin, amazake...the list goes on and on. It is supposed to have some health benefits, has been used for thousands of years and is very safe to eat. It's not just used to make Asian foods. Koji is beginning to show up everywhere! There are chefs out there that are now growing it on meats. The result is a very tender and more flavorful steak, or chop.

So, I showed my dau my new book about making things with koji and we both got very excited. I bought some barley koji starter that was ready to go and I made some miso. Now I want to make my own Koji starter. I'm going to start some this week. I'll let you know how it goes.

~ C
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