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Old 02-23-2020, 06:18 AM
sandy l
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Originally Posted by Rff1010 View Post
I would do white thread and what I call the "pong" method. (If you don't know the computer game pong, a ball falls from the ceiling and you bounce it from a platform to hit targets.) This method only works with rectangular quilts, cannot be square.

Start at 1 corner, walking foot, 45 degree angle across the quilt until you get to the other side. Pong off the edge at another 45 angle, pong, pong pong across all the edges and you'll end up with a continuous diamond quilting (no breaking thread!) without putting a giant bulk of quilt under the harp....well the first line is a doozy but after that most of the quilt is on the left side. Very simple and very quick.

White thread because I don't get a super confident vibe off of your original message. Really you could do any color: a sand or grey eould be more visible but still neutral. A lovely pink or peach might coordinate with your blocks and provide a cohesive unifying element.

I'm sure this method has another name, but that's what I call it. Try it with a piece of paper (ordinary 8x 11) to watch it fill the space.
This is how I have quilted mine for years. I first learned about this from a book "The Complete Book of Machine Quilting", second edition, by Robbie and Tony Fanning, copyright 1994. They attribute this method to a gentleman, Ernest B. Haight of David City,NE (passed away in 1992). He first entered a machine-quilted quilt in Butler County Fair in the early 1960's. It was almost rejected until a official stepped in and said "we must create a new category" The quilt won a First Premium Blue Ribbon, as have many of his original-designed, machine-pieced and -quilted quilts.
In 1973 he was urged to write a booklet explaining his method "in order to get machine quilting accepted as an art form" Practical Machine-Quilting for the Homemaker"

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