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Old 03-30-2007, 12:53 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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well, my dear, you are welcome to PM as long a list as you like. but ... ummm ... don't hold yer breath waiting for me to share.

and don't envy me yet. i said i was going shopping. i don't expect to do much buying. I need something very specific, so am not likely to find it. the store i'm going to (as if i had any choice any more. grrrrrrrrrr. but, i digress) has lots and lots of fabric. and usually a lot i like. but none that really calls out to me. know what i mean? it's all stuff i'm content to leave there and just look at next time through.

doesn't it seem, also, that when you shop for fabric with something very specific in mind, you can never find it? and nothing else - no how much better it might be in reality - ever seems good enough to use instead?

i think i'm still too "depressed" about loosing the place i like best to give any other place a fair chance. resentment clouds the judgement and changes the colors of everything around you. i'll know i'm over it the first time i walk out of this place straining under the weight of my purchase. considering that, this whole being "depressed" thing might just be You-Know-Who's way of leaving enough money to get some of the other things i want, too, instead of ONLY buying fabric.
nothing important, really. silly stuff like food, gas, mortgage payment. you know ... the nonsense. LOL
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