Thread: Cancellations
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Old 03-08-2020, 11:10 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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Originally Posted by sewingpup
I would check at the CDC (centers for disease control I think) for information.....viruses mutate all the time and occasionally a new one arises.....the flu virus really badly mutated in 1918 and became known as the Spanish literally killed millions of people world dad's dad passed away from it in Wisconsin and left a young wife with three children....Occasionally, a virus that infects animals will change enough to us humans end up with it....and this is what is one apparently did....oh....and while it is not as "airborne" as say is transmitted by tiny droplets that travel about about 6 feet when a person sneezes, coughs, or even talks....problem with this one, is that is new and NOBODY has immunity to that is way so many people are catching it....and this virus apparently also can live on surfaces too for a while and if you touch the a door knob...and then touch your face, you can get it that way....seems to more severely affecting older folks like me....with pre-existing conditions like yeah....I am trying to limit my exposures and avoid large crowds even my quilt guild for now....doesn't make me happy...but that is the way it is for a while...I worked as an RN for about nine years and later had experience with both the TB and Bloodborne pathogen issues....both of which are harder to catch than this one. oh...and if you want to read more.....look up what happened to Native Americans when Europeans brought measles here and there was no immunity to it....also the Black Plague in Europe in the dark ages....about 1/3 of the population died then if I recall right....
Thanks for your helpful information. I second your advice to check with the CDC. Our worst enemy is incorrect information and lack of information. If we all follow the advice of the CDC and our family doctor and community health authorities, we can limit the spread of a virus that can be incapacitating and/or deadly for a segment of the population. If it spreads widely, it will disrupt our economy in a very negative way so that we all will be affected in some way.
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