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Old 03-30-2020, 09:42 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 489

I am watching my 6 year old grandson and my 18 month old great granddaughter so not much sewing going on. I did get 68 masks made up (requested by my daughters clinic). But this homeschooling a kindergartner is killing me. He is reading at almost 2nd grade level but the timed sight words and timed math is crazy!!! I have a hard time with timing a kindergartner. He absolutely hates it, he barely gets his finger over the answer and a big TIMES UP pops up. Trying to keep the 18 month old occupied while trying to help the grandson is over the top. They have about 5 hours of school work scheduled for him, I really feel sorry for the poor parents of more than one child in school. My time for venting is up. Thanks for letting me do it.
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