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Old 04-16-2020, 02:33 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,101

Oh I understand very well, Pam that I'm looking for someone to let me into their personal space and play with an expensive item and that there are always liability concerns. I didn't think it would be easy to find but I know quite a number of people who have bought machines that didn't end up using them nearly as much as they thought... and all I need to find is the right fit for me.

Had hoped to meet people/do some networking, get business cards etc. from quilters this year. Unfortunately, Seattle as we know got hit hard first and fast with the Covid stuff. Our big show for our area for the year was cancelled, the Ricky Tims thing was cancelled. Pretty much everything has been cancelled...

And I can't afford the entirely reasonable costs it would take for someone better than me to put together my tops. Wish I could, but no, typically I can't afford the going rate for a semi-custom job in the Seattle area even once a year. Most everything I use is stash, I buy what fabric I buy at thrift stores for about a dollar a yard and have been doing that for years now. Most everything at this point is no cost to me but labor and I'm willing to do the labor to get what i want.

So for this year I'm simply going to ignore the stack of unquilted tops unless they fall on me. Which is a very real possibility...
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