Old 04-28-2020, 09:29 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,164

Advice around here is to get up every day and put on a fresh pair of jeans that the 19 in Covid-19 actually refers to the weight gain. People in sweat pants and nightgowns are being surprised after a week of loafing around...

I'm "just" low carb too, Watson. Hubby is remaining Keto and has kept off his weight for a year now. I'm usually around 65 carbs a day, nutritionist says I can be around 100-120, hubby is still under 30 carbs a day. And yes, he's lost more weight (actually reached goal! and weighs what he did in high school) and faster but he really enjoys his diet changes but I really look forward to a piece of fruit or some low carb bread or something each day. I'm about to leave the house for this week for the run to Costco, we need dishwasher detergent, meat, and a big bunch of his supplements.

I'd like to drop a few more vanity pounds (20-40) but right now my body is pretty happy at this size (under 200 for the first time in more than 20-25 years), my weight is stable due to my "life style changes" and I think that is more important than yo-yo dieting and/or carrying a few extra points. I've maintained a 50+ weight loss for more than 5 years. Been stable at minus 100 for over a year going on two. And I still dream about everything bagels and cinnabons and mashed potatoes and pasta and bread...
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