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Old 05-11-2020, 06:02 PM
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All right then! Since I've never done one of these before, what's a good day of the week to post the new instructions? Friday? That lets people have the weekend to work on stuff.

Meanwhile, go dig through your stash. Or if you must buy more fabric, you have time to order it.

You will need four different fabrics that have strong contrast. Because the blocks are small, large prints will not work at all. Small prints, hand-dyes, subtle batiks, tone-on-tones, solids, and blenders work the best. While this could be made scrappy if you have enough fabrics that are all close in the required values, I feel it looks best in yardage.

This will make a lap quilt, 45 by 57 inches. Lap quilts are what I do, so most of mine are around that size. The basic component size is a 3-inch finished square. (I’ve been working a lot with jelly rolls, so this size looks huge!) Because there are no real blocks, you cannot make more blocks to make a larger quilt. If you want a full/queen quilt, I have made a modification to the pattern for a quilt that is 85 inches square before adding borders to bring it to whatever size you need. It will be 91" by 91" if you use the same border widths as the lap quilt. You will be making 5-inch finished squares instead of 3 inches. Your instructions will be in (parentheses.)

1. A very light fabric: 1 yard. (2 1/2 yards for the queen quilters) I am using a white-on-white.
2. A medium fabric: 7/8 yard. (2 3/4 yards) I am using bright red.
3. Another medium fabric with a strong contrast to #2: 3/4 yard. (2 yards.) This includes a 1-inch inner border. I am using blue.
4. A dark fabric: 1 yard. (2 1/4 yard.) This includes a 2-inch outer border. I am using a wine red. I wanted navy, but the only navy blue fabric in the stash with enough yardage was already earmarked for another project. Yep, red/white/blue. This one is going for a donation to a local veteran’s hospital.
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