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Old 03-01-2010, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by susie0808
Originally Posted by Elisabrat
Pillow for the back? snoring is worse if they sleep on their back.. sides the air gets in better for some reason. I think the old delivery works pretty good a gentle tap with a sharp cold knee.. works wonders at getting someone to turn over. Chill your hand first then apply it to a belly should get that puppy on his side in no time at all.
Husband sleeps on stomach with pillow tucked under neath him. I elbow and poke and sometimes have shaken the bed. They aren't as successful as pulling the pillow out from under him...(lol) not all the way but just enough and it works! There are times I get the pillow in my back and you know what... that pillow finds another home for the nite! ON THE CHAIR IN THE CORNER! In the morning he asks how did that get there, I say YOU DIDN'T WANT IT ANYMORE! he chuckles with a huhhhuhh!
...he chuckles with a huhhhuhh!...LOL!!!!
You reminded me of a girl I used to work with.
It was in a hospital and she was an EMT.
She laughed loudly and sounded - no joke - just like a horse!
It was so bad that one of the doctors got so irritated, he told one of the other EMT's that she should be more "professional".:shock:
Well, a couple years went by and I went to a meeting/dinner, with my DH one time. Room was full...ppl at every table.
Heard a loud, horsie laugh, looked around and sure enough!!!
You hear it once, you'll never forget it!
Poor girl, guess she just couldn't help horseself :!: :lol:
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