Thread: First Quilt
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Old 06-12-2020, 09:39 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 289

Before this thread, I had read about ironing, versus pressing, and yes, I did press straight down, so that wasn't the problem with my first attemp.

Actually, it probably was a combination of trying to use cut squares as they came, and the fact that the fabric provided varied from very thin, to medium thick.. Not sure the thickness causes problems, but I know now not to rely on the pre-cut fabric being correct.

This is one reason I will be purchasing various cutting templates over a period of time. I am guessing that it isn't a waste of money to have a straight cutting tool, and one of various shapes and sizes.

One question about how pre-cuts come. The first bundle I purchased were the pre-cut 4 inch squares. The edges were cut straight. Like said, they varied from less than 4 inches to as much as a 1/8 inch over.. And it now seems that the squares were not actually square, but were a fraction of an inch different on all sides. Probably one reason why the fabric squares, once assembled did not lay flat.

I watched one video where the lady cut out triangles. She was very careful to ensure she had straight edges that were square to each other before actually placing the cutting template over the fabric. She was very efficient, and got the maximum number of cuts for the material she had. I learned from that video to be very precise, and will practise that when I do try my first (second) quilt. Right now I am watching lots of videos on various subjects related to quilting, and machine sewing and the accessories

I think I will write "Connecting Threads about a first quilt kit. I will present myself as someone who has absolutely no sewing experience, and that is close to being true. I do have a week of trying to sew, but as I usually do, I experience failure before success. I've been told that failure is the best teacher.
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