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Old 06-21-2020, 01:03 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 76
Question Bobbin tension meter VS machines

Hi Everyone - does anyone have a Singer 27, 28, 127 or 128 (or their "K") cousins where the bobbin tension and upper tension are working beautifully together - with plenty of upper-tension adjustment variation possible? I'd love to know what the "factory setting" is on a bobbin tension meter we'd use these days on the bobbin tension. And ideally, what works well when the tension regulating nut is flush with the end of the stud for the upper tension too.

I figure if I have those two numbers, or at least the first, I have a pretty good shot at setting up the tensions close to just right so that only minor adjustments are then needed to perfect it and adjust the upper tension mostly from then on for a fair range of fabrics.

The bobbin in one I've got as I got it, is set at what seems to me very tight, but even so I've got to have the nut starting to wind off the stud for the upper tension before it shows even a glimmer of being a balanced stitch (on 2 layers of quilting cotton, with normal machine sewing thread - Guterman).

The check spring rest is set at 9 o'clock on this one and when I pop the check spring under it to see where it was set as the stud was inserted then it hangs down at 6 o'clock. And on this machine I can't tighten the stud so that the horizontal division is horizontal either, it is just to right of vertical at about 1 o'clock. No numbered indicator on this one.

Any tips, even if they don't involve the tension meter, would be hugely appreciated... Thank you... Megan
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