Thread: July Mug Rug
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Old 06-29-2020, 05:09 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Saint Cloud, Florida
Posts: 960

How is everyone doing? I was out of town for my birthday and come home to find out my brother (56) got in an altercation at our neighborhood WalMart, and fell and fractured his hip. It's just a mess. He is an alcoholic and he refused going to rehab center. His girlfriend can't take care of herself, nor him, nor the dog. I literally had to walk away from the drama and it will be whatever it is. I told my husband the next step is calling a welfare check on them and let it go from there.
But in the upside, we went to the gulf for my birthday and it was beautiful.
Everyone I owed mugrug to, should have or be receiving them.
Okay, well hopefully a few more will sign up.
We are starting to go back to phase one in our town in Florida, so if you cannot get out to find what you need, just use what you have and make what you can.
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