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Old 06-30-2020, 05:54 AM
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 21

I say make them. I started making baby quilts when Covid started. I finished 2 baby quilts by April and had no babies in mind to give them to. My son got married last year so I thought they will be having babies in the future. But to my surprise my 38 year old daughter who is not married but living with her partner surprised us on Mother's Day to tell us she is pregnant with TWINS! We are so excited and I thought maybe by making the quilts I was putting it out there in the universe and it happened! These will be our first grandchildren so I am all ready now with quilts. As it turned out, my daughter liked another pattern so I am making her what she wants and I will keep these at home for when they visit. Try making them and you might be pleasantly surprised what babies might pop up in your life! Good luck.
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