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Old 07-06-2020, 09:34 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Thanks Ladies!! You are all the best!! I will keep on hosting as long as I have at least 4-5 interested. And as long as my health allows. Just to let you know my husband has had cancer show up a second time and he will be going through surgery and radiation as far as we know rt now. So what the next 4 months are going to be like I don't now for sure. He had a softball size cancer taken off his arm a year ago. Now it showed up in his bone in his chest. So not sure what we will be going through. I have a lung disease and can't go into the hosp with him. so this next few months are very uncertain for us. I appreciate all of you and I don't have any plans to not do the swap. Just wanted you to know in case I can't for some reason. But for now everything is on an even keel so far. We live one day at a time so that is how we are dealing now. Glen had a brain injury in 1977 and over the years we learned to go with the flow and don't borrow trouble. LOL So on with the show!! I am looking forward to seeing the next batch of Wall Hangings!! I love all of your creativity! Thank you so much for participating in the swap!!! R
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