Thread: Singer 128-13
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Old 07-07-2020, 05:59 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Ontario
Posts: 299

Originally Posted by leonf
Mine go with me to smaller events. They don't go to the museum with 1,400 kids, because the shuttles take longer to load. 99s or 66s gothere. But I like them to show the history of VSMs I love to get people running my machines. I has happy to see your knee control was present.
What kind of events Leon? The thought of kids being able to see and use older machines makes me smile if i'm honest. I bought a treadle and recently the FW for her to use
If the machine didn't have the knee-bar, i would of still bought this one purely because of the bentwood case but most likely the machine would of been turned into parts rather than sourcing the knee-bar and paying the high costs for them. Which would of been such a shame. Nope all good news with this one, kinda feels like i won a scratch ticket finding it locally. Thanks for the reply, appreciated. Now what about those events you speak of....any links? Cheers
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