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Old 07-14-2020, 07:21 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: SW Iowa
Posts: 1,137

Since age 10 in 1947, I grew up with kerosene lamps for lighting, wood burning fireplaces for heat and sometimes for cooking after age 10, windows for air conditioning, a pickup truck for transportation, and until age 10, a wood cookstove. When I was 10 we got electricity (REA= Rural Electric Administration (at that time). In a year or two we got butane delivery (now propane), we had no paved roads within 15 miles until 1950 when pavement which ended at the edge of our property, by the mid 50's the pavement was extended another 15 miles to the town south of us. Two neighbors to our north had telephones in the 50's, but in 1968, we paid to have about 3 miles of poles and wire to have a telephone and we paid to have all 8 party lines. None of us knew when that ended as the telephone didn't have or couldn't fine the paperwork. So you can see, what all improvements have happened since then that I have experienced. ( I grew up in Zavala County, Texas and population so sparse that my high school had a total number of about 200 kids the year I graduated. The county had one large town of about 8,000 inhabitants and two smaller towns of approximately 1,000 each. The closest one to my Dad's ranch was one of those 1,000 people towns. I rode a bus to school 21 miles away, but the bus route had to a mile off the pavement to pick up some students, then backtrack and another 4 or 5 miles away from that detour, we took another side trip another mile in the opposite direction to pick up others kids who had to come at least 4 or 5 miles just to catch the bus.
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