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Old 07-27-2020, 05:37 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,065

Am proud of myself, thrift shops are open again and we are looking specifically for a cat food feeder. I picked up an carried around a set of the pre-stamped blocks for embroidery. If the fabric had been full cotton, I would have gotten it but as it was (and since I don't do embroidery) I put them back and left with nothing.

Still not using much fabric, so far this year I have sent out two large boxes of 80s fabric and I have one more I am filling for a group that does hospice quilts. Earlier this year I did a lot of borders and backs to make existing tops/UFOs into donation quilts and have given them to a long armer wanting practice.

So a big self cheer for not buying... maybe I still need a bit of pushing on starting/working on my own projects, but I think this year is just going to hit my personal history as "not going as planned".
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