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Old 08-03-2020, 07:20 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: northern minnesota
Posts: 2,372

When I retired....and really started looking at all the fabric in my stash (much easier to buy fabric when I was working, much harder to actually use it) I really felt a bit distressed that I had put so much money into fabric rather then my "investment" plan....well....that has changed with the current price of fabric...turns out my fabric buying when I could afford it...was not such a bad investment. OK....the fabric is a bit dated....but....yikes ….some of the "modern" fabrics look a sneaky bit like some of my "vintage fabrics......I had also made a habit of always checking out the sale fabric at any of the quilt shops I went to....things I looked out for blender fabrics, fabric that would make a nice binding in a darker neutral color, clearance fabrics with enough yardage on the bolt for a I do have a stash built up....and actually I think I have donated close to a 100 yards of fabric which was mostly bought a sale prices, to my church group who so far have made somewhere around 5000 masks.
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