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Old 08-16-2020, 05:54 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default Spanish Tortilla

Spanish tortillas are not the same thing as Mexican tortillas. Spanish tortillas are more like an omelette and use eggs as its base and many times, have potatoes in them as well. I made one for some unexpected guests that showed up at my house the other day. I just made it up as I went along, so I don't have a recipe, per se, but here's how I constructed it.

I first chopped up some peeled, white, russet potatoes into medium sized chunks, enough to line a 10 inch cake pan about 2 inches think. Then they were cooked over medium heat, in a cast iron skillet, with some vegan butter, chopped onions and spices s/a chili pepper flakes, salt, pepper, fresh thyme and oregano. I took them off of the heat when the potatoes were soft and slightly browned. I lined my cake pan with parchment paper and a couple of tablespoons of melted butter, then spread the potato mixture on the bottom of the pan.

For the egg mixture, I separated 8 eggs and whipped up the whites with a pinch of cream of tartar until they were light and fluffy, but still had a little moisture in them. I folded them carefully with the egg yolks, added some salt and pepper and some chopped parsley for color. This egg mixture was poured into the pan, over the potatoes. The whole thing was then baked at 375 until it was cooked through and golden brown on the top, about 25 minutes. I then took it out of the oven and flipped it over on to a plate and served immediately.

The tortilla was a huge hit! Everyone loved it. It was beautifully browned on top and the lower, egg portion was light and fluffy. I didn't have any sauce, but a tomato based sauce would have been really nice with it.

~ C
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