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Old 09-06-2020, 05:33 AM
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 20
Default Food for thought is right!

Thank you so much for sharing that link! The issues she discusses are very much in my mind as I go through this process. Having a machine that does what it is designed to do without a lot of drama is a huge part of having a positive sewing experience for me. There is such a difference between having to cajole a machine to do what you want it to do and having one that does the same things without a struggle. I will never forget the feelings of liberation (and elation) I had when I sewed on a Bernina for the first time in the Leary 2000s after mostly knowing my mothers 1970s Kenmore. For me, it felt like I no longer had to battle the machine and I could just happily sew to my heart’s content. Since then, I have had similar experiences with other makes and the feeling is always the same when you and the machine are in sync.
I will keep this and the advice others have shared in this thread as I dive deeper into this journey. I am very grateful to all who have taken the time to comment.
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