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Old 09-07-2020, 11:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 847

Forgive me sisters and brothers. I have fallen...and fallen HARD.
Went to Joanns for backing from the flannel sale. I had some but not enough. Ended up bringing home enough for 2 other backing. (But it was a sale!)
Then, my current project needed material for 1.more border. I had purchased something at a LQS and when comparing the leftover scraps...realized it was exactly right. So I go to the LQS. Where they ran out of said perfect fabric! But instead 2 items from the sale section said "Please, we would like to come home with you." And as previously mentioned- I'm a sucker for a sale.
So $60 spent - 13.5 yaards of flannel( 3.5 will get used in backing) and 3 of quilt cotton acquired. AND STILL NO BORDER so I have to go out again.
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