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Old 09-10-2020, 04:47 AM
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 85
Default Fun question - quilting ADD

I have been commissioned by my MIL to make a quilt for my niece (her granddaughter). She wants me to make a tulip quilt, and as I am piecing approximately eleventy-million tulip blocks, I got to wondering how others approach projects like this.

Do you work on one element at a time, and keep going until you've completed all of that one; then move to the next one, etc.?

Or do you (like me) skip around from one element to another as the mood strikes you? For this quilt, I have cut all the pieces (I always want to be sure I have all the fabric I need before I start sewing), but then I make some petals, get bored, move on to making some flower centers, get bored, work on some stems, get bored, decide I want to see some complete blocks, make some of those, go back to making petals....etc. etc.

Maybe this is related to all those UFOs in my house... (Although, having said that, most of those UFOs are actually completed tops which are just awaiting sandwiching and quilting, so it's not all that bad!)

I'm interested to find out what other people's styles are!
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