Old 09-13-2020, 12:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 835

Oh no! I understand your panic.

My concern is- did the batting melt from the heat of tte dryer or is something just embedded in the fabric and can be washed out? If its A - No recovery. If its B - there is hope.

I AM NOT A SPECIALIST. these are just my best ideas. If you can get to a local quilt shop (as others have recommended) so someone can lay eyes and hands on...that is your best bet.

1 - soak in tub in warm water.. You need it to relax and let whatever that made it crusty loosen. Do NOT add anything to the water for this first rinse.
2- not in love with the vineager idea. Changing pH might break down the fibers more. Dawn dish soap (no substitutes!*) Cleans everything and if its good enough for penguins after an oil spill - its gentle enough for you. You are still in the tub btw. Be sure to use your hands only to squash water thru the puppy place. No rubbing. That weakens fibers.
3 - rinse well. Rinse it again. Use laundry basket to transfer from tub to machine. Wet quilts are heavy and can pop seams. Rinse again
4 - machine rinse on gentle and spin dry. (Machine will get more water out). See if you can feel if its still crunchy. Repeat step 4 if necessary.
5 - machine dry LOW COOL until 90% dry. Then leave in a spot (away from the puppy!) To let it finish drying flat. I put mine on tthe spare bed and turn on the ceiling fan. Flip every few hours. Drink heavily to alleviate the anxiety.

Return to friend and TELL THE TRUTH. Bring wine. Drink heavily together.

So thats my best advice.

*edited - ok fine. Iceblossom had a point. Baby shampoo will work here too.

Last edited by Rff1010; 09-13-2020 at 12:18 PM.
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