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Old 09-20-2020, 04:47 PM
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Default How Do You Get Motivated?

The spider hunt and Great Purge of 2020 continues...

Working every day for the last three weeks has taken its toll on me and the fiance. We decided this week that it would probably be a safer bet to move furniture outside from whatever room we are working in, let it stay out for the night while we deep clean the room, and then move everything back in (after it's been deep-cleaned outside). This has made us push ourselves probably farther than we should, this weekend we decided to just take a couple of days to rest, recover, and realign, we've tested muscles that haven't been used in quite some time and we're no spring chickens anymore, either.

I am completely whipped, exhausted to the bone and I'm so glad the fiance took it upon himself to just eat when he wants to, so no cooking has taken place this weekend. This is odd for me considering its football season and I'm usually in the kitchen whipping us up some yummy stuff to chow down on when we're watching the games.

With all the free time I had this weekend, you would think I'd be in my quilting corner starting work on my sister's DWR but I can't for the life of me get motivated. I still have the sage fabric to handwash but could have started cutting the pieces out on the muslin, orange and blue but the thought of dragging out the fabric, cutting mat, the templates and rotary cutter is just not getting me excited in the least.

When you get into a situation similar to this, what do you do to get motivated?

Good news is, no more brown least so far.
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