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Old 09-21-2020, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Peckish View Post
Apparently we've missed part of the story about a spider??
I talked about it during the last VQW, we found a brown recluse crawling across one of our dogs and I just completely flipped out and started deep cleaning, then decided now would be a good time to purge because we just have entirely too much stuff and we're almost positive there are more spiders in the house. We've since found three more recluses, one alive, two dead so we're making progress. We can't bomb successfully until we get the house straightened up and cleaned out.

I took a good, long nap, and now I'm actually motivated to at least cut her blue fabric, maybe more when I get done with that, but there's still a part of me that's just not 100% into it. Bearisgray is right that trying to decide what stays and what goes has been a little stressful, but I am going with the 'if it serves a purpose, it stays. If it hasn't been used in six months, it goes', so it's been an extremely cut-throat approach. We'll be finishing up the master bedroom in the next couple of days and then we move into the kitchen, which I am emphatically not looking forward to but something tells me we're going to find more in there. It's a great time to do it with the holidays on the horizon.

I was just hoping to be really deep into her quilt by now, everything was shaping up perfectly for me to start cutting and sewing it during the last VQW, I actually had it planned, told the fiance to go find something to keep him busy for three days because I didn't want to be disturbed. The spider on my dog and then finding another one just threw that plan out the window and I've actually been depressed about it and then losing motivation has kind of been a gut-punch.
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