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Old 10-05-2020, 01:48 AM
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 2

Thank you all for all input.
It is truly great to get so much response and feedback.
And thank you all for the greetings it truly makes me feel welcome.

Since the post I have googled some about daylight led:s temperature and it seems that the question does not end there.
Daylight color is actually a range of colors (you can see the colors when the water separates the colors of daylight and produce a rainbow). The colors of the fabric you see is actually the light from the bulb that gets reflected. So if you do not have a light with e.g. a lot of the blue range of colors you will have a hard time seeing differences in the blue fabric you are using.
So to see colors well I think it would be good to have a natural light led with good range of colors.

Now I just have to find a producer that makes a daylight bulb with b15d connection.

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