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Old 10-07-2020, 05:04 AM
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I have been busy so haven't spent a much time here or sewing. I did complete my round on the Round SBG said, just 1 round left.

Good to hear updates from everyone.

My MIL goes in for shoulder replacement surgery bright and early tomorrow (have to leave home at 4:45 am for check in). She is 82 and still lives alone so we are really not sure what the next few weeks will bring...

My youngest daughter completed her Esthetics Program (delayed several months due to covid)...boards are tomorrow so she can officially practice (facials, waxing, etc). My son in in CA shooting archery this month...he is 1of 4 trying out for the 2 available spots at the Olympic Training Center. There was a tournament this last weekend and he finished 3rd. My oldest daughter is working in a bike shop (building and repairing bicycles)...she loves it!

Only the youngest is living at home but she is looking at houses to rent with a couple other will sure be different with no kids around, but at the same time my husband are really looking forward to having just some "us time". We got married and had our first baby 10 months later...
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