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Old 10-11-2020, 09:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Sisters, OR
Posts: 32
Red face

I had not thought about it like this.Thank you. So many helpful and insightful replies. Wow.

Originally Posted by liking quilting
When I was ready to start learning to quilt, a wise mentor told me that most quilters never finish a quilt. Never. I was dazed a little by that fact. That does not mean they are not organized, motivated, talented. Does not mean they have a disorder label. A quilt is a big deal, big time, big money commitment. It's not a hobby for someone who only wants to start to finish a project in a very short time frame. (At least not most quilters I know.).
Don't be too hard on yourself. You might just be in a stage of life that's keeping you from making a decision and following through. You'll get through this!
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