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Old 10-16-2020, 04:32 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Today I’m going to spend some time dealing with the craftermath of a journal making session. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it organized and put away fairly quickly. The joy of having spent years (literally) organizing my quilting studio and my general purpose studio is that I now have places to put most (but not all) things.

I should have taken photos before I started on this journey way back when because at one point, both of my studio spaces looked like British painter Francis Bacon’s studio. If you get a chance, look him up and you will see some photos of his studio- it looks like a giant trash dump because he apparently just kept piling things one on top of another. Anyway, this is just to say, if I can dig out from under, then I know that y’all can too.

So, once I’m done putting things away, I want to get the placemats that I quilted earlier this week bound.

What’s everyone else working on today?

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