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Old 10-18-2020, 06:21 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Wow, Macybaby it sounds like you’ve been really productive and busy. You and your husband must be really handy to do all that work. We had an 800 square foot addition put on our house 20 years ago but we had a contractor do it.

We thought we had bought the perfect house but then life happened. We had a love ( surprise) baby, my husband started working at home full time, and my brother in law moved in to get healthy.

The toddler was in our bedroom and DH asked when are you going to move the baby out? I asked where would you like to move him? The living room or the kitchen? Our room was so small my husband kept his bureau in the hall.

I gave the big Bedroom to my 5 and 8 year old. It gave them a bit of a playroom. I put flower borders on one side and space themed on the other. Some kindergarten child told my son it was wrong for him to share a room with his sister!

it all worked out fine Actually the house couldn’t have been laid out better for this situation. and compared to my dad’s situation growing up (14 kids, three to a bed), we were in luxury.

When we were deciding about the addition, thrifty me just wanted to add an office. My husband pointed out. Do you want to share a bathroom with three teenagers?

now of course, the house is too big. I have a large sewing studio (kids bedroom). My hubbie has his somewhat soundproofed Office for playing and writing music now that he’s retired. My son has the family room for college and video games. He’s a world class smash bro’s player and gives lessons to others.

I feel guilty having so much room.

macybaby. I’m envious of your ability to whip out beautiful blocks so fast!

Last edited by mjpEncinitas; 10-18-2020 at 06:27 AM.
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