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Old 11-03-2020, 01:19 PM
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Location: South eastern Ohio
Posts: 52

OurWorkBench, pretty certain that's exactly how I loaded pictures earlier on with reducing size etc. Thankfully, I have Irfanview which can do that pretty easily. Only issue in pictures, it's nearly an hour away from me and I'm not chancing going out unnecessarily today with all of the unrest.

Now in regards to specifics about the desk, the front does not swing out. The opening for the seat is on the left when facing the desk, and there are drawers to the right. There is a carved molding around the seat opening. The top appeared to open and close like most every other sewing desk. The only thing that seemed so odd was the height. I do have veneer work under my belt, so if I do pick it up and add some legs to give it some needed height, we'll see if veneer or stain comes into play.
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